Getting Started
- Animated Number
- Auto Submit
- Carousel
- Character Counter
- Chartjs
- Checkbox Select All
- Clipboard
- Color Picker
- Confirmation New
- Content Loader
- Dialog
- Dropdown
- Glow
- Lightbox
- Notification
- Password Visibility
- Places Autocomplete
- Popover
- Prefetch
- Rails Nested Form
- Read More
- Remote Rails
- Reveal Controller
- Scroll Progress
- Scroll Reveal
- Scroll To
- Sortable
- Sound
- Textarea Autogrow
- Timeago
Getting Started
How to install dependencies and structure your app. Each controller is a npm package and must be installed individually.
All controllers are created with the same convention.
All packages export two versions of the controller, a UMD (Universal Module Definition)
and a mjs
In the mjs
version, the controller will always be the default export.
In the UMD
version, the controller's class will be available in camelCase in the window global variable.
For instance, for @stimulus-components/character-counter
, you will get window.StimulusCharacterCounter
You can install the controllers in a few different ways.
1. With a modules bundler (Vite, Webpack, esbuild, etc.)
Because the controller's class is the default export, you can import it with the name of your choice.
Install the package:
$ yarn add @stimulus-components/character-counter
Load it in your JavaScript:
import { Application } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
// import HelloController from "./controllers/hello_controller"
import CharacterCounter from "@stimulus-components/character-counter"
const application = Application.start()
// application.register("hello", HelloController)
application.register("character-counter", CharacterCounter)
See: Official Stimulus installation guide with this approach.
2. With import-maps in Rails
Add the package in your importmap.rb
configuration file:
$ bin/importmap pin @stimulus-components/character-counter
Load it in your JavaScript:
import { Application } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
// import HelloController from "./controllers/hello_controller"
import CharacterCounter from "@stimulus-components/character-counter"
window.Stimulus = Application.start()
// Stimulus.register("hello", HelloController)
Stimulus.register("character-counter", CharacterCounter)
See: Official Stimulus installation guide with this approach.
Note that importmaps don't work well with external dependencies. And it does not work with CSS at all. So, use it wisely.
3. With Sprockets
Make sure to add node_modules
folder as load path in your Rails configuration:
Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('node_modules')
Install the package:
$ yarn add @stimulus-components/character-counter
Load the UMD
version of the package:
//= require @hotwired/stimulus/dist/stimulus.umd
//= require @stimulus-components/character-counter/dist/stimulus-character-counter.umd
const application = Stimulus.Application.start()
application.register("character-counter", window.StimulusCharacterCounter)
4. With CDN
Load the UMD
version of the package:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const application = Stimulus.Application.start()
application.register("character-counter", window.StimulusCharacterCounter)